Non-Denominational Church and Bible Study
Old Landmark Church
Old Landmark Church helps people understand what the Bible says, interpret how it applies to Christians today, and most importantly—learn how to live it out in their daily lives.
Jesus knew the scriptures and we should too.
Jesus knew the written Word, quoted it all the time, and made it clear it was the ultimate authority and a way to understand the heart and desires of God.
But, when we blindly follow Christian teachings and don’t study God’s Word for ourselves, we don’t have the knowledge to discern if the concepts are biblically sound—making it easier to be led in the wrong direction.
Church Services
We teach what it biblically means to “observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” and how to apply it to our daily lives.
Bible Study
Bible Boot Camp offers a casual, safe environment for people to explore, learn, and question things of the Bible.
Seek a better understanding of God’s Word and strengthen your relationship with Jesus.
The church has become fragmented and fallen away from the teachings and commandments outlined in the New Testament.
This is because many Christians say they don’t know where to start reading and the Bible is hard to understand. However, when we don’t know what God’s Word says, we risk believing everything religious leaders say is true—and this can be dangerous.
Jesus warns us of following leaders blindly when he says if the blind lead the blind then they both will fall into the ditch.
When we study God’s Word for ourselves, we can discern if the concepts others are teaching are biblically sound. God made Pastor John aware of this in 1980 and reminded him of it 26 years later.
After studying the Bible for almost 30 years, God gifted Pastor John with the ability to “untwist” His Word and directed him to open a church in 2006. Since then, Old Landmark Church has been helping people understand what the Bible says, interpret how it applies to Christians today, and most importantly—learn how to live it out in their daily lives.
What will God reveal to you through His Word?

Let Thy will be done.
Since 2006, Old Landmark Church has been led by Senior Pastor John Wilburn and supported by Pastors Jo Lynn Wilburn and Donte Wilburn.
Pastor John is a native of Indiana, and met Jo Lynn when he was 24 years old—they were married in 1974. Together, they have raised three adult children and have one adult granddaughter.
When he was 28, Pastor John was working at Alcoa Aluminum and the Lord caused Minister Bobby Owens to be hired. “He ministered the word of God to me—I was saved at work and I committed my life to the Lord as outlined in Romans 10:1-21 and St John 3:1-21 (KJV),” says Pastor John. “I later joined the church of God in Christ where Minister Bobby Owens taught.”
Divine intervention.
Pastor John doesn’t believe in luck or chance—everything happens for a reason. He explains his story and why Old Landmark Church was founded.
“In 1980, I had a visitation from the Lord in a trance—which is defined as a condition somewhat like sleep, in which the mind seems to have left the body or a dreamy, absorbed condition. This is where the Lord showed me families in hell because they followed ministers who compromised the Word of God—made it fit into what society was looking for. My instruction was to help stop this from happening, and I was not to compromise the Word of God—at any cost.
In March of 2006, I had another visitation from the Lord saying He wanted me to start a church called Old Landmark Church—based on Proverbs 22:28 and Proverbs 23:10-11 (KJV). The Lord told me I am to help people get ‘untwisted’ and understand the things concerning this life and the life to come based on the King James Version of the Bible (Proverbs 4:7 KJV).
Since December 24, 2006, Old Landmark Church has been helping people understand what the Bible says, interpret how it applies to Christians today, and most importantly—learn how to live it out in their daily lives.”

The Bible doesn’t have to be hard to understand.